Monday, August 22, 2011

Nike embraces 3D technology and advertising through cinemas

If you cant see action sport in life, Nike is going to give you the next best thing.... Action sports in 3D! As part of Nikes IMC strategy for its Chosen campaign Nike will be launching its short film in 3D in cinemas through Australia, The U.S, Brazil and Western Europe. Cinema advertising is said to have an extensive reach, and an average of 83% recall the following day, it is also one of the top rated activities for generation Y. It is usually used to reach a niche audience. This is expensive investment into Nikes IMC, could this be a risky investment given their target audience and the lack of major motion films that currently resonate with the campaign?

B, Janoff. 2011. "Nike breaking the Chosen campaign during the NBA Finals". Big lead sports. Available: (accessed 17th August 2011)

Belch, Belch, Kerr and Powell. 2009. Advertising and Promotion: An integrated marketing communication perspective. K, Fairfax (eds). Mcgraw- Hill Australia PTY LTD.

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